Lodge of Instruction - Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Tuesday Club - "Mozart: the Masonic themes that shaped his life"
An occasion to celebrate the great composer's life, the evening will focus on a talk about Mozart on the 225th anniversary of his death’s and his interest in the Craft, The evening will be followed by a 3 course supper.
6:30 PM - Spaghetti House, 15 Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PQ22
Previous LOI Tuesday Club - Tuesday, 18th October 2016
Tuesday Club - Festive Board Etiquette"
The evening focused on the Festive Board Etiquette with an explanation on some of the rituals during the meal and where they came from.
The talk was followed by a splendid meal at Spaghetti House, 15 Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PQ22
Lodge of Instruction - Tuesday Club Archives
18 October 2016 - Festive Board Etiquette
19th January 2016 - Kabbalah and the purpose of life
20 October 2014 - Reiki an Ancient Healing Technique; Brief History and Use in the Modern World
15 December 2014 - Life Story of Mervyn Kersh
7 October 2014 - Why I joined Freemasonry
10 Dec 2013 - The Strange Masonic Career of Rudyard Kipling
8 Oct 2013 - Life in the Langue d'oc
9 April 2013 - Himalayas
12 March 2013 - Masonic Symbols
8 January 2013 - Justice
11 December 2012 - How to Develop your Memory and Learn Ritual the Easy Way
10 April 2012 - Openings and closings
13 March 2012 - Mastership
Lodge of Instruction
The Mandate Lodge approach to learning about the Craft
A new approach to way Mandate Lodge runs its Lodge of Instruction was adopted in 2011. This coincided with the move to Freemasons Hall in London. The idea of developing a Mason as a whole rather than just ability to deliver the ritual was the ethos behind this new approach. Rehearsals will still take place but in the form of a "Read-through" followed by two full rehearsals before each meeting. The "Read-though" provides an ideal forum where one can gain an understanding of the ritual which aids learning, so that when it is performed, it makes sense.
Throughout the rest of the year, Lodge of Instruction will take the form of the Tuesday Club and be open to provide a varied and rich forum for discussions and lectures on various topics such as:
* Discussion on the First Ceremony
* Discussion on the Second Ceremony
* Mastership
* Openings and Closings
Please bookmark this webpage for details of the next Tuesday Club.
Useful Links
- United Grand Lodge of England
Information on Grand Lodge. - Metropolitan Grand Lodge
The heart of London Freemasonry - Masonic Charities
The cornerstone of Freemasonry - Famous Freemasons
A who's who guide - History of Freemasonry
Info on how Freemasonry started - Supreme Grand Chapter
Information on Royal Arch